The Dogs: Theme Exploration

The Dogs, by Allan Stratton is about a young boy named Cameron, his Mother, and a long lost mystery about the farm he lives on. Since the time Cameron was young, he and his Mom have been on the run from his crazy Dad. After Cameron’s Mom thinks his Dad is stalking them again, they move to a farm in a very small town. As the story progresses, the mystery grows. With a ghost named Jackie, mysterious dogs, a murderer and a pyschotic Dad, this book leaves you guessing until the very last sentence.


Throughout this book, Cameron feels as though he doesn’t belong anywhere so, I chose the theme of being an outsider for this book.

Cameron is an outsider in a few aspects of his life. Throughout his entire life he has had to lie to everyone in he meets. His friends, teachers and even his family. Every time he moves the story changes so he doesn’t feel like he belongs anywhere. Cameron doesn’t feel as though he knows truly who he is, because he always has to lie about who he is and where he came from. Due to the fact that he is always on the run, Cameron never makes a lot of friends. This makes him feel as though he doesn’t fit in with the people at his school. These feelings lead him to loneliness and not having a sense of trust in anyone, except his mother.

Almost every teenager in the world has some form of social media. Every teenager except Cameron. Cameron is not permitted to have social media because his psycho father once stalked him by finding his account. He can’t connect with any of his old friends or connect with any possible new friends because he doesn’t have social media. This makes him an outsider as well.


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